Quasi Dictum

A place for educational perspectives and opinions. Legalese: The statments at this site are of the writers only. Quasi Dictum has no control over the information you access via links, does not endorse that information and cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.

Location: Vancouver, WA, United States


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Via Eduwonk - a new ed website (heavy on the data side) called Schoolmatters.com

Here is a sample of what you can find.

Nice tool for parents who want to compare schools/districts. Or even if you're looking for a new teaching job.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Our district just installed a new gradebook, attendance, scheduling, program to all teacher computers. Part of the process was to revise progress/grade report codes. One of our fine collegues wrote down for a new progress code: "Your child has been left behind." We all had a good laugh.

Sorry if that sounds too much like Readers Digest.