The last two days have been quite an eye opener about the bad things in the public shcool system. Here is the situation, I have a kid in a required Sr. English class who until late last week had missed 43 of the past 60 school days. There is absolutely no way he can pass. I had already turned over his name to the assoc. principal, followed all district guidelines for student grading/reporting, followed school guidelines for seniors not passing a required class, etc. This should be a no brainer...wrong.
Mom and dad "need" him to graduate. He'll be gone too much this summer to complete credit recovery. Never mind that the kid told me, associate, counselor, and mom that he just "couldn't get to class" (1st period - 7:30), or that mom in the same meeting agreed and said he "would sleep right through me waking him up as well".
My principal tells me he will support any decesion I make. He does. I inform the kid and parents by phone later in the day, no chance of passing.
This morning all hell breaks loose. E-mails from dad to me, superintendent, district lawyer, raving about a great "injustice", questioning my attendance process, and other professional comptencies. Do I need to go on?
He "needs" the opportunity to pass (never mind the previous 80 days of the semester). I have to provide makeup work. I gave him enough for a D.
I wonder if mom and dad will live in the dorm with him?
Quasi Dictum
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
So we got our assignments for next school year. I don't know how other districts do this but in mine we fill out a "interest" survey in March and then by June 1st we have the final "board" assignments. These are handed out at a faculty meeting and the usual moaning and whining begins 30 seconds later.
The process seems trivial (especially the survey) but what I've learned in 8 years is that principals (I've worked under four) seem to do best when they spread the misery around. At no other time in the school year do I see teachers act so unprofessional. Some are appalled that they have freshman 1st period?! Some want to move schools or leave teaching altogether. Yes, please leave.