At least it's not my fault -
They're Not Stupid—They're Lazy
Quasi Dictum
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Monday, August 08, 2005
Friday, August 05, 2005
End of summer school today and even though the week before was hectic, I would rate it a success for the kids and teachers. One blessing was the low numbers. Only half of the kids that enrolled showed up. For my "levels" class I only had 10 kids, for homeroom 11. It was wonderful. The kids were great and all lessons were well planned. Using the latest ed jargon, "conncections" were made.
One other note. I had not read eduwonk in a couple of weeks so imagine my surprise when our little blog was quoted first today. It's interesting to read another perspective on my little senior pass/fail-end-of school-year-problem. Two things that I want to comment on about the wonks comments; I felt then and now that my principal backed me, however because he "caved" I felt I had to as well. Speaking of caving, I wish now that I wouldn't have. I should have gone to the union for help. If I have some time (next week?) I'll post part of the e-mail that the kids dad sent me (no names) and you can judge for yourself how low this guy went to make sure his kid graduated.